After you upload the information, we’ll merge your documents and send them out! Imagine you were at a tradeshow and you collected information from 100 potential customers. You can do this using a CSV file (which stands for comma separated values) that you can save directly from Excel. Once you have the document and delivery options setup, the last piece of the puzzle is uploading the mail merge information. From that point you can setup your delivery method, which could be via email, an e-signature platform, the cloud, or to another 3rd party via a webhook.

What if you needed to do more? For example, what if you wanted to send those documents out for e-signature? Or save them in the cloud? WebMerge has got you covered! In addition to using MS Word document as templates, you can upload a fillable PDF or even build your own document using our online editor. Mail Merge in MS Word has long been one of the most popular and widely used features of the office tool, but how often do you send letters anymore? Today, it’s much more common to generate Word or PDF documents using Mail Merge and send them via email.